GHD cure, Growth hormone deficiency cure, Growth hormone deficiency treatment. Growth Hormone deficiency ayurvedic treatment, growth hormone deficinecy in children., GHD natural treatment

Growth hormone deficiency in adults , GHD In Adults cure , GHD in adults ayurvedic treatment. GHD in adult and its herbal treatment, Grow height naturally, Natural solutions for increasing height,
GHD in kids and ayurvedic treatment, GHD cure, Growth homrone cure,
Increase height with Ayurvedic herbs, Ayurvedic herbs to increase height, Ayurvedic treatment for dwarfism
 (GHD) is a medical condition, caused by problems arising in the pituitary gland, in which the body does not produce enough growth hormone (GH). Growth hormone, also called somatropin, is a polypeptide hormone which stimulates growth and cell reproduction.
Growth hormone deficiency has different effects at different ages; in newborn infants, the primary manifestations may be hypoglycemia or micropenis, while in later infancy and childhood, growth failure is more likely. Deficiency in adults is rare, but may feature diminished lean body masspoor bone density, and a number of physical and psychological symptoms. Psychological symptoms include poor memory, social withdrawal, and depression, while physical symptoms may include loss of strength, stamina, and musculature. Other hormonal or glandular disorders frequently coincide with diminished growth hormone production.
GH deficiency can be treated through growth hormone replacement or injections of growth hormone.

In childhood

The incidence of idiopathic GHD in infants is about 1 in every 3800 live births,[1] and rates in older children are rising as more children survive childhood cancers which are treated with radiotherapy, although exact rates are hard to obtain.[2] Severe prenatal deficiency of GH, as occurs in congenital hypopituitarism, has little effect on fetal growth. However, prenatal and congenital deficiency can reduce the size of a male's penis, especially when gonadotropins are also deficient. Besides micropenis in males, additional consequences of severe deficiency in the first days of life can include hypoglycemia and exaggerated jaundice (both direct and indirect hyperbilirubinemia).
Even congenital GH deficiency does not usually impair length growth until after the first few months of life. From late in the first year until mid teens, poor growth and/or shortness is the hallmark of childhood GH deficiency. Growth is not as severely affected in GH deficiency as in untreated hypothyroidism, but growth at about half the usual velocity for age is typical. It tends to be accompanied by delayed physical maturation so that bone maturation and puberty may be several years delayed. When severe GH deficiency is present from birth and never treated, adult heights can be as short as 48-65 inches (122–165 cm).
Severe GH deficiency in early childhood also results in slower muscular development, so that gross motor milestones such as standing, walking, and jumping may be delayed. Body composition(i.e., the relative amounts of bone, muscle, and fat) is affected in many children with severe deficiency, so that mild to moderate chubbiness is common (though GH deficiency alone rarely causes severe obesity). Some severely GH-deficient children have recognizable, cherubic facial features characterized by maxillary hypoplasia and forehead prominence (said to resemble a kewpie doll).
Other side effects in children include sparse hair growth and frontal recession, and pili torti and trichorrhexis nodosa are also sometimes present

In adulthood

The incidence of genuine adult-onset GHD, normally due to pituitary tumours, is estimated at 10 per million.
Recognised effects include:

What Ayurveda can do

I have been treating such cases for past 2 years and have came across 11 cases Globally
Every body has increased in their height. 
In Ayurveda we see this as a Vata Imbalance and not only something like incurable.
So we prescribe herbs based on dosha along with something which will directly act on Hypothalamus

My first case was of 3and half year old female child who when born she looked normal but her scalp /head was big and stomach was enlarged
After few months parents found out that their child is not looking same as others of her age.
They went to hormone doctors and did the test, MRI and other reports. One of her uncle was a famous endocrinologist and said there is no cure reported in medical science and no treatment is available.
Then they went to Mumbai to see very famous endocrinologist but they got the same answer as NO TREATMENT
Then they were asked to send reports to UK and USA and got answer that some hormone medicine is there but it is expensive around 20000 USD a year and have to be given up to age of 18 years and causes many side effects
Then they were referred to me by one of my patient whom I treated for Ulcerative colitis and he was cured.
They came to me and I did pulse diagnosis and found out to  be extreme Vata Imbalance and said give me 3 months to understand her body response and I will be able to tell only after that
In 3 months treatment we did find the change. Her scalp and stomach which were enlarged became normal and she became more alert 
After 4 months we saw that she was increasing in height and gradually she was
Similary I treated one more case she also has same symptomatology and she also became normal with scalp and stomach and now she has grown excellentely in height
Now Total 11 cases globally and every one is seeing difference in height and no side effects


  1. Hai,
    regarding Growth/Height hormone, I emailed you for treatment of my younger brother's height, pls. have a look at, and reply........!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i want treatment for panhypopituitarism


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