
Showing posts from February, 2014

Cura bipolare, il trattamento ayurvedico bipolare, bipolare medicina alternativa, trattamento alternativo per bipolare, bipolare Ayurveda, trattamento del disturbo bipolare

Il disturbo bipolar (chiamata anche disturbo affettivo bipolar, disturbo maniaco-depressivo o depressione maniacale) è una malattia mental. Le persone con disturbo bipolar episodic esperienza di aumentare o spostati umore come noto mania, alternatively a episodic di depressione. Questi episodic possono essere la capacità dell'individuo di lavoro di una ridurre drasticamente nel vita ordinaria. Approximately 4% il mondo delle persone nel soffrono di disturbo bipolar, una che è Proporzione coerente sia per gli uomini e le donne e di tutti i gruppi razziali ed etnici. La causa non è ben chiaro, ma sono stati identificati fattori di rischio genetici ed ambientali. Il trattamento spesso include farmaci stabilizzanti dell'umore e psicoterapia. Mania trattamento ayurvedico, trattamento ayurvedico per la depressione, disturbo dell'Umore Cure ayurvedico Il disturbo bipolar, conosciuto anche come disturbo affettivo bipolar chiamato disturbo maniaco-depressivo o depressione maniaca...

Cura bipolar , el tratamiento ayurvédico bipolar, medicina alternativa bipolar, tratamiento alternativo para el trastorno bipolar , bipolar Ayurveda , el tratamiento del trastorno bipolar Webpage- ABAJO SON 2 LINKS video testimonial Y 2 TESTIMONIOS escrita proporcionada por PACIENTE 1 DE LA INDIA Y 1 DE CANADÁ Por encima de enlace es un enlace video testimonial de uno de mis pacientes que consiguieron totalmente recuperado en Bipolar usando mis hierbas medicinales ayurvédicos Y a continuación son algunos testimonios Estimado Dr. Paneri, (MR S ***** de Canadá)                                   Tomé su tratamiento el año pasado tres meses en el beginig era ningún efecto, pero al cabo de dos mes empiezo a efectuar mis síntomas son el 80% de curación Como no tenía movimiento suelta a diario, pero ahora es normal, la acidez es muy inferior al 80%, la ira es un 80% menos, el sueño es ahora 6 horas , Palpitaciones del corazón es 100% de curación, ...

PV cura , pemfigo cura, pemfigo volgare cura , il trattamento ayurvedico per pemfigo , il trattamento ayurvedico per pemhigus vulgaris , trattamento pemfigo alternativa

Il termine pemfigo si riferisce ad un gruppo di malattie autoimmuni bollose della pelle e delle mucose. I tre sotto-gruppi to principal di pemfigo sono: pemfigo volgare (PV), pemfigo foliaceo e pemfigo paraneoplastic. Ogni tipo di pemfigo ha caratteristiche cliniche e immuno-patologiche distinte. PV rappresenta approximately 65-70% il dei casi di pemfigo. I più comuni sintomi includono vesciche in bocca e sulla pelle con lesioni cutanée che che formano erosioni tendono a sviluppare un eccessivo granulazione e croste. I fattori genetici, la vecchiaia e la presenza di malattie autoimmuni sono di fattori rischio per questa condizione. In moderna scienza medica farmaci anti danno cancro, steroidi, multi vitamins, acido fólico, antiacidi e antidolorifici Con il precedente trattamento di un inizio di sentirsi subito meglio, ma non cura e fare così tanti effetti collaterali nel corpo Personalmente ho trattato molti casi di pemfigo vulgaris Ayurvedically con successo dove i pazienti usat...

PVcure , pénfigo cura , el pénfigo vulgar cura, el tratamiento ayurvédico para Pénfigo , tratamiento ayurvédico para pemhigus vulgar , pénfigo tratamiento alternativo

El término pénfigo se refiere a un grupo de enfermedades ampollosas autoinmunes de la piel y las membranas mucosas . Los tres subconjuntos principales de pénfigo son: pénfigo vulgar (PV ) , pénfigo foliáceo y pénfigo paraneoplásico. Cada tipo de pénfigo tiene características clínicas y inmuno- patológica distintas . PV representa aproximadamente el 65 a 70 % de los casos de pénfigo . Los síntomas comunes incluyen ampollas en la boca y en la piel, con las lesiones de la piel formando erosiones que tienden a desarrollar la granulación excesiva y formación de costras . Los factores genéticos , la vejez y la presencia de trastornos autoinmunes son factores de riesgo para esta condición. En la ciencia médica moderna dan Anti medicamentos para el cáncer , esteroides , multi vitaminas , ácido fólico , antiácidos y analgésicos Con el tratamiento por encima de uno comienza a sentirse mejor de inmediato, pero no cura y crea tantos efectos secundarios en el cuerpo Yo personalmente he tratado...

Wählen Sie `s Krankheit zu heilen , Pickup ` s diseaes Behandlung, Ayurveda-Behandlung für Pick `s Disease , Alternative Behandlung für Pick ` s Krankheit, Pick `s Krankheit Medizin

Warum Dr. Ravi Paneri - E-Mail - , Homepage - Wir sind weltweit für unsere Arbeit im Bereich der Ayurveda bekannt , Wir sind einer der seltensten Ayurveda- Ärzte , deren Kräuter sind mehr als 60 Prozent gewachsenen Selbst und 100 Prozent von uns verarbeitet und zubereitet. Wir verwenden die beste Qualität Kräutern und nach Authentische Ayurveda -Praxis Dr. Ravi Paneri ist eine international bekannte sechsten Generation Ayurveda Ärzte aus Indien. Er begann seine Ausbildung in der ayurvedischen Medikamenten im Alter von zwölf Jahren. Er konzentriert sich auf Menschen zu helfen, die Intelligenz ihres Körpers und das Leben ohne Grenzen hat er studiert und reiste weit rund um den Globus sammeln Wissen und Konsultationen zu hören. Er an der sehr jungen Alter hat oft zu Großbritannien, Europa , Nordamerika, Middleast , Afrika und im Fernen Osten für Konsultationen reiste und reist regelmäßig. Einige seiner Kunden sind Form indische Kino so gut ...

Scegli ` s curare le malattie , di accompagnamento ` s diseaes trattamento , il trattamento ayurvedico per Pick `s Disease , trattamento alternativo per Pick ` s Disease , pick ` Medicine malattia di s

Scegli ` s curare le malattie , di accompagnamento ` s diseaes trattamento , il trattamento ayurvedico per Pick `s Disease , trattamento alternativo per Pick ` s Disease , pick ` Medicine malattia di s Perché il dottor Ravi Paneri - mail - , pagina web , Siamo conosciuti a livello mondiale per il nostro lavoro nel campo della Ayurveda , Siamo uno dei rari medici ayurvedici cui le erbe sono più del 60 per cento di auto cresciuto e il 100 per cento elaborati e preparati da noi . Utilizziamo le migliori erbe di qualità e secondo Authentic Ayurveda Practice Il dottor Ravi Paneri è un internazionalmente noto sesta generazione Ayurveda Health Practitioner dall'India. Ha iniziato il suo apprendistato nella medicina Ayurvedica , all'età di dodici anni . Si concentra su come aiutare le persone ascoltano l'intelligenza del proprio corpo e vivere la vita senza limiti ha studiato e viaggiato ampiamente in tutto il mondo raccolta di conosc...

Elige `s Curación de la enfermedad, Pick` s diseaes tratamiento, ayurvedico tratamiento para la recogida del `s de Enfermedades, tratamiento alternativo para la recogida del` s de Enfermedades, Pick `Medicina enfermedad s

Elige `s Curación de la enfermedad, Pick` s diseaes tratamiento, ayurvedico tratamiento para la recogida del `s de Enfermedades, tratamiento alternativo para la recogida del` s de Enfermedades, Pick `Medicina enfermedad s ¿Por qué el Dr. Ravi, página web - Estamos por nuestra mundialmente Conocidos laboratory en el campo de la Ayurveda, Somos uno de los más médicos ayurvédicos raras Cuyas hierbas son más del 60 por ciento se auto adulta y 100 por ciento procesado y por nosotros preparado. Las mejores Utilizamos hierbas de calidad y de acuerdo a Práctica Authentic Ayurveda Dr. Ravi Paneri es una de sexta generación renombre internacional de salud de la Especialista Ayurveda India. Comenzó su aprendizaje s ayurvédicas medicinas a la edad de doce años. Él se centra en ayudar a las personas escuchan la inteligencia de su cuerpo y vivir la vida sin límites que ha estudiado y alrededor del mundo viajado extensamente y la Recopilacion d...

Cure atassia di Friedreich , atassia Trattamento di Friedreich , atassia trattamento ayurvedico di Friedreich , atassia Trattamento alternativo di Friedreich

L'atassia di Friedreich è una malattia ereditaria autosomica recessiva che causa danni progressivi al sistema nervoso , causando sintomi che vanno da disturbi dell'andatura a problemi di linguaggio , ma può anche portare a malattie cardiache e diabete , ma non influenza la capacità di pensare . L' atassia di atassia di Friedreich risultati dalla degenerazione del tessuto nervoso nel midollo spinale , in particolare i neuroni sensoriali essenziali ( attraverso connessioni con il cervelletto ) per dirigere il movimento dei muscoli delle braccia e delle gambe . Il midollo spinale diventa più sottile e le cellule nervose perdono parte della loro guaina di mielina ( il rivestimento isolante su alcune cellule nervose che aiuta gli impulsi nervosi comportamento Atassia di Friedreich , come ben noto come atassia familiare , è una malattia ereditaria che provoca il fallimento della coordinazione muscolare , produce andatura instabile , il discorso anormale , riflessi motori dist...

Cure la ataxia de Friedreich , Tratamiento de la ataxia de Friedreich , la ataxia de Friedreich tratamiento ayurvédico , ataxia de Friedreich Tratamiento alternativo

La ataxia de Friedreich es una enfermedad hereditaria autosómica recesiva que causa daño progresivo al sistema nervioso , dando lugar a síntomas que van desde alteraciones de la marcha de los problemas del habla , sino que también puede conducir a la enfermedad cardíaca y la diabetes, pero no afecta a la capacidad de pensar . La ataxia de la ataxia de Friedreich resultados de la degeneración del tejido nervioso en la médula espinal , en particular, las neuronas sensoriales esenciales ( a través de conexiones con el cerebelo ) para dirigir el movimiento de los músculos de los brazos y las piernas . La médula espinal se vuelve más delgada y las células nerviosas pierden parte de su vaina de mielina ( la cubierta aislante en algunas células nerviosas que ayuda a trasmitir los impulsos nerviosos La ataxia de Friedreich , tan conocida como ataxia familiar , es una enfermedad hereditaria que causa el fracaso de la coordinación muscular , produce marcha inestable , habla anormal , los ref...

Friedreich-Ataxie Cure, Friedreich-Ataxie -Behandlung, Friedreich-Ataxie Ayurveda-Behandlung , Friedreich-Ataxie Alternative Behandlung

Friedreich's ataxia is an autosomal recessive inherited disease that causes progressive damage to the nervous system, causing symptoms of gait disturbance to speech problems, but can also lead to heart disease and diabetes, but does not affect thinking ability. Ataxia Friedreich's ataxia results from the degeneration of nerve tissue in the spinal cord, in particular sensory neurons essential (through connections with the cerebellum) to the movement of the muscles of the arms and legs. The spinal cord becomes thinner and nerve cells lose some of their myelin sheath (the insulating covering on some nerve cells that conduct nerve impulses helps Friedreich's ataxia, and familial ataxia is known, is an inherited disease that causes the loss of muscle coordination, produces unsteady gait, abnormal speech impaired motor reflexes. Symptoms are usually clumsiness, unsteady gait, reduced muscle coordination, weakness, paralysis and impaired sensation in the extremities, speech an...

Friedreich's ataxia Cure, Friedreich's ataxia Treatment, Friedreich's ataxia Ayurvedic treatment, Friedreich's ataxia Alternative Treatment

Friedreich's ataxia  is an autosomal recessive inherited disease that causes progressive damage to the nervous system, resulting in symptoms ranging from gait disturbance to speech problems; it can also lead to heart disease and diabetes, but does not affect thinking ability. The ataxia of Friedreich's ataxia results from the degeneration of nerve tissue in the spinal cord, in particular sensory neurons essential (through connections with the cerebellum) for directing muscle movement of the arms and legs. The spinal cord becomes thinner and nerve cells lose some of their myelin sheath (the insulating covering on some nerve cells that helps conduct nerve impulses Friedreich's ataxia, as well known as familial ataxia, is an inherited condition that causes the failure of muscle coordination, produces unsteady gait, abnormal speech , disturbed motor reflexes. Sympto...

Ayurvedic treatment for Allergies, Ayurvedic treatment for Allergic Rhinitis, Allergic Rhinitis Treatmtent, Chronic Allergic Rhinitis cure, Chrnoic Rhinitis Cure

Email- Allergy rhinitis Ayurvedic treatment , Rhinitis  Rhinitis in Ayurveda is termed as Pratishyay which can cause symptoms like  Runny nose, Itching in nose, Headache, Redness or inflamation in nostrils, Sneezing and uneasiness Allergic rhinitis is the most common cause of rhinitis, which indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. Sneezing, itching and congestion in the nose, and watery discharge are common symptoms of rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis usually causes inflammation not only in the nose but also in the surrounding areas which include eyes, eustachian tubes, middle ear, sinuses and throat. Genetic and environmental factors are believed to be important in the predisposition to allergic rhinitis. Antihistaminic medications play an important part in the modern management of this condition. Ayurvedic causes Weak Immune system, Eating too much spicy and oily food, eating old food , leftovers, too much heavy to digest foo...

PVcure, Pemphigus cure, Pemphigus Vulgaris cure, Ayurvedic treatment for Pemphigus , Ayurvedic treatment for pemhigus vulgaris, Pemphigus Alternative treatment

The term pemphigus refers to a group of autoimmune blistering diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. The three primary sub-sets of pemphigus are: pemphigus vulgaris (PV), pemphigus foliaceus and paraneoplastic pemphigus. Each type of pemphigus has distinct clinical and immuno-pathological features. PV accounts for approximately 65 to 70% of pemphigus cases. Common symptoms include blisters in the mouth and on the skin, with the skin lesions forming erosions which tend to develop excessive granulation and crusting. Genetic factors, old age and the presence of autoimmune disorders are risk factors for this condition. In Modern Medical science they give Anti cancer drugs, Steroids, Multi Vitamins, Folic Acid, Antacids and Painkillers With above treatment one start to feel better immediately but it doesnt cure and make so many side effects in body I personally have treated so many cases of Pemphigus Vulgaris Ayurvedically  successfuly where patients used to take omnacortil fo...

Infertility in women, Infertility treatment in Ayurveda, Ayurvedic treatment for Infertility, Infertility cure, Infertility in Ayurveda, Infertility treatment India

Email- BELOW IS THE LINK OF THE VIDEO TESTIMONIAL WHO RECENTLY GOT PREGNANT NATURALLY USING OUR PURE HEBRAL AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR INFERTILITY What is Infertility? Infertility means non fertile- means incapbility of a woman to conceive or able to get pregnant About 40 percent of men and 40 percent of women have issues in them and 20 perent results form complications with both patners Causes of Infertility In males due to sperm abnormality , Vericocele In Females Tubal Block, Ovulation Issues  PCOD, Endometriosis Pelvic inflammatory disease Previous Tubal Ligation Uterine issues Advance age Thyroid Excessive Stress Unhealthy life style, Obesity Ayurvedic cause of Infertility-- As Ayurveda belives of Doshas theory it does belive it one of imbalance of dosha predominantly Pitta dosha with lot of ama  Ayurveda strongly advocates being in balance of theory which means healthy sperms ( s...

Ayurvedic treatment for Ulcerative colitis, Ulcerative colitis cure, Ulcerative colitis treatment, Ulcerative colitis Ayurvedic medicines, Dr Ravi Paneri

Image  - CLICK ON LINK TO WATCH THE VIDEO TESTIMONIAL OF ONE OF PATIENT Case studies for Ulcerative Colitis at Sharma Clinic, Ahmedabad Under Dr Ravi Paneri (1) Nirav Age= 35 Profession- Builder Disease- Ulcerative Colitis Diagnosed by Allopathic doctor Symptoms- Cramps and Pain in stomach, Bloating, Bleeding per rectum, Mucous discharge and frequency of stool 8 to 10 per day History – It got diagnosed in late 2005 after few repots, colonoscopy and barium meal report then patient was on Prednisolone , Mesacol, Multivitamins, Antacids Ayurvedic treatment- Diagnosis- High aggravated Pitta 4th He was given a special diet to undergo He took the treatment from Dr Patvari for almost 4 years but he understood it is not the permanent solution  grade and Vata 2nd  grade Started my treatment in 2009 March and within the first month his frequency of stool came down to 3 per day and mucous was almost s...

Bipolar Heilung, bipolar Ayurveda-Behandlung, bipolar Alternative Medizin, Alternative Behandlung für bipolare, bipolar Ayurveda, Behandlung der bipolaren Störung

Bipolar Heilung, bipolar Ayurveda-Behandlung, bipolar Alternative Medizin, Alternative Behandlung für Bipolar, bipolar Ayurveda, Behandlung der bipolaren Störung Link oben ist ein Video-Testimonial Link von einem meiner Patienten, die völlig in Bipolar habe mit meinem Ayurveda-Kräutermedizin erholt Und unten ist TESTIMONIAL EINES PATIENTEN nach einem Monat ÜBER MEIN Kräuterbehandlung Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor, Allerdings halten gute Lebensstil und nehmen pflanzliche Präparate können tatsächlich gibt gute Leistungen Q-Can Ayurveda mir helfen, Härten Bipolar oder andere maniac Bedingungen? A-Ja Ayurveda ist die älteste medizinische Wissenschaft auf der Erde und Behandlung solcher Krankheiten sind sehr effektiv QI nehme Schulmedizin kann ich nehmen Ihre Kräuter mit meiner Schulmedizin? A - Wenn Sie die Einnahme dann bitten wir Sie, in gleicher Weise fortsetzen und es werde nicht ...

Bipolar cure, Bipolar Ayurvedic treatment, Bipolar Alternative medicine, Alternative treatment for Bipolar, Bipolar Ayurveda, bipolar disorder treatment Webpage- BELOW ARE 2 VIDEO TESTIMONIAL LINKS AND 2 WRITTEN TESTIMONIALS PROVIDED BY PATIENT 1 FROM INDIA AND 1 FROM CANADA Above link is a video testimonial link of one of my patient who totally got recovered in Bipolar using my Ayurvedic herbal medicines And below are few testimonials Dear Dr. Paneri, ( MR S***** FROM CANADA )                                   I took your treatment  last year three month , in the beginig was no effect but after two month it start effecting my symptoms are 80% cure  As I had loose motion daily but now it is normal  , acidity is very less 80 % , anger is 80% less, sleep is 6 hour now  ,  heart palpitation is 100% cure, But still wake early and  feel restless in the morning but it i...