Ayurvedic treatment for Allergies, Ayurvedic treatment for Allergic Rhinitis, Allergic Rhinitis Treatmtent, Chronic Allergic Rhinitis cure, Chrnoic Rhinitis Cure
Email- ravipaneri1@gmail.com
Allergy rhinitis Ayurvedic treatment , Rhinitis
Rhinitis in Ayurveda is termed as Pratishyay which can cause symptoms like
Runny nose, Itching in nose, Headache, Redness or inflamation in nostrils, Sneezing and uneasiness
Allergic rhinitis is the most common cause of rhinitis, which indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. Sneezing, itching and congestion in the nose, and watery discharge are common symptoms of rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis usually causes inflammation not only in the nose but also in the surrounding areas which include eyes, eustachian tubes, middle ear, sinuses and throat. Genetic and environmental factors are believed to be important in the predisposition to allergic rhinitis. Antihistaminic medications play an important part in the modern management of this condition.
Ayurvedic causes
Weak Immune system, Eating too much spicy and oily food, eating old food , leftovers, too much heavy to digest food, constant exposure to dust and allergens, Hereditory
It mainly involves Kapha dosha but at time imbalance of other doshas are also presents
Many people start to suffer it from February to March where they become more sick and have to take anti allergics like L Dio 1, Cetrizine etc
What Ayurveda can do
Ayurveda will balance your imbalance doshas and help you to get rid of allergies
However one needs to take care in particular to avoid certain food as per the doctor advise, exposure to causative factors, keep good routine and healthy life style
Ayurveda generally administer Hot property remedies like Ginger, Pepper, Clove, Cinammon, Basil and Medicine like
Ativish, Kuchla, Vachnag, Dhatura but please do not take the herbs just by reading at any blogs. Its needed to consult doctor with expert guidance as these herbs can be harmful if taken in wrong doses
Just now I have helped 1 case where he undergone MRI brain ,Tympanopathy, Audiogram, been ENT as he has constant mucous problem for which any ayurvedic doc would give herbs which would dry the cough and sputum
But after the pulse diagnosis It was clear that he had symptoms from the stomach as when stomach doesnt digest food properly it can get converted in to Mucous
and 2 ladies they had been to famous ayurvedic docs, taken treatment like Suvarna Vasant Malini , Maha Laxmi Vilas ras , Panchakarma
they were suffering it from past 10 years but could never be able to avoid allergic issues even after such a costly treatment but after my treatment in just 1 month they feel 80 percent better and did not get attack of Allergies
I personally have helped hundreds of patients of Allergic Rhinitis
If you have any issues as such do not hesitate to write me
Dr. Ravi Paneri is an internationally well-known sixth generation Ayurveda Health Practitioner from India.
He started his apprenticeship in Ayurvedic medicines at the age of twelve.
He specializes in lifestyle workshops and retreats all around the world. He integrates the intelligence of Vedic Ancient Knowledge in forms of Ayurvedic Nutrition, Pulse Diagnosis, Lifestyle Evaluation and combines the best of Eastern and Western lifestyle thinking.
He focuses on helping people listen to the intelligence of their body and live life without limits He has studied and traveled widely around the globe gathering knowledge and for consultations. He at the very young age has traveled often to UK, Europe, North America, Middleast, Africa and Far east for consultations and travels regularly.
Some of his clients are form Indian Cinema as well as he writes in Print Media in USA regularly.
Allergy rhinitis Ayurvedic treatment , Rhinitis
Rhinitis in Ayurveda is termed as Pratishyay which can cause symptoms like
Runny nose, Itching in nose, Headache, Redness or inflamation in nostrils, Sneezing and uneasiness
Allergic rhinitis is the most common cause of rhinitis, which indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. Sneezing, itching and congestion in the nose, and watery discharge are common symptoms of rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis usually causes inflammation not only in the nose but also in the surrounding areas which include eyes, eustachian tubes, middle ear, sinuses and throat. Genetic and environmental factors are believed to be important in the predisposition to allergic rhinitis. Antihistaminic medications play an important part in the modern management of this condition.
Ayurvedic causes
Weak Immune system, Eating too much spicy and oily food, eating old food , leftovers, too much heavy to digest food, constant exposure to dust and allergens, Hereditory
It mainly involves Kapha dosha but at time imbalance of other doshas are also presents
Many people start to suffer it from February to March where they become more sick and have to take anti allergics like L Dio 1, Cetrizine etc
What Ayurveda can do
Ayurveda will balance your imbalance doshas and help you to get rid of allergies
However one needs to take care in particular to avoid certain food as per the doctor advise, exposure to causative factors, keep good routine and healthy life style
Ayurveda generally administer Hot property remedies like Ginger, Pepper, Clove, Cinammon, Basil and Medicine like
Ativish, Kuchla, Vachnag, Dhatura but please do not take the herbs just by reading at any blogs. Its needed to consult doctor with expert guidance as these herbs can be harmful if taken in wrong doses
Just now I have helped 1 case where he undergone MRI brain ,Tympanopathy, Audiogram, been ENT as he has constant mucous problem for which any ayurvedic doc would give herbs which would dry the cough and sputum
But after the pulse diagnosis It was clear that he had symptoms from the stomach as when stomach doesnt digest food properly it can get converted in to Mucous
and 2 ladies they had been to famous ayurvedic docs, taken treatment like Suvarna Vasant Malini , Maha Laxmi Vilas ras , Panchakarma
they were suffering it from past 10 years but could never be able to avoid allergic issues even after such a costly treatment but after my treatment in just 1 month they feel 80 percent better and did not get attack of Allergies
I personally have helped hundreds of patients of Allergic Rhinitis
If you have any issues as such do not hesitate to write me
Dr. Ravi Paneri is an internationally well-known sixth generation Ayurveda Health Practitioner from India.
He started his apprenticeship in Ayurvedic medicines at the age of twelve.
He specializes in lifestyle workshops and retreats all around the world. He integrates the intelligence of Vedic Ancient Knowledge in forms of Ayurvedic Nutrition, Pulse Diagnosis, Lifestyle Evaluation and combines the best of Eastern and Western lifestyle thinking.
He focuses on helping people listen to the intelligence of their body and live life without limits He has studied and traveled widely around the globe gathering knowledge and for consultations. He at the very young age has traveled often to UK, Europe, North America, Middleast, Africa and Far east for consultations and travels regularly.
Some of his clients are form Indian Cinema as well as he writes in Print Media in USA regularly.
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