Pancreatitis ayurvedic treatment, Ayurvedic treatment for pancreatitis, Herbal treatment for pancreatitis, Acute and chronic pancreatitis cure

Pancreatitis is an Inflammatory disease condition in which the Pancreatic enzymes auto- digest the Pancreatic gland

In simple understanding it is an inflammation of Pancreas. It has several symptoms and it required urgent medical attention

4th commonly occuring cancer in the world

Ayurvedic cause of Pancreatitis-  The most dominant dosha in Pancreatitis according to Ayurveda is pitta dosha

Eating Highly spicy food, Chronic alcoholism, Smoking, Living under severe stress, Hereditory, Eating excessive hot food

Sign and Symptoms of Pancreatitis

Sever Nausea,
Heart Burn
Pain or discomfort in chest
Internal bleeding,
Pain in left upper quadrant or back or stomach area
Fever, Jaundice,
In some cases it can lead to Diabetes as well

Associated symptoms could be ( Acc to Ayurveda )
Headache or Migraine,
Grey hair, Hairfall, Skin rash, Skin issues, Erectile dysfunction, hotflushes, perspiration, dry mouth, dry skin, Pimples, Irregular menstruation

Ayurvedic treatment for Pancreatitis

First of Ayurveda is science of life, Which not only focusing on treatment rather helping patient to recovery in Mind, Body and Soul

For that one has to understand and respect nature s law of living life and behaving
 Which is Ayurveda has been classified under Aahara and Vihara

Avoiding food which aggravates Pitta dosha and eat Simple Sattvic Food, Living Sattvic lifestyle

Ayurvedic treatment for pancreatitis is certainly helping treatment which helps to heal the pancreatitis and reduces inflammation significantly.

Q-I am taking allopathic medicine can I take your herbs with my Allopathic medicine?
A - If you are taking then we ask you to continue in same manner and there wont be any contrast changes in the body. Our herbs will be acting at the root cause so gradually intake of western medicine can be reduced after getting improved using our Ayurvedic medicine for Pancreatitis

Q- I do not stay in India. Is it possible to buy herbs online or Online consultation?
A- Certainly we are treating so many patients globally and foreign patients are mainly taking online treatment and getting better. More than 95 % foreign patients are treated  online unless either one wishes for personal consultation based on individual need

Q- Is  Ayurvedic treatment safe?
A- It is one of the most safest and does not produce any side effects- However one needs to be take them under Ayurvedic physician and follow the protocols perfectly

Q- How long the treatment lasts ?
A-Its based on the different factors

Q - Dr Paneri?
A - Dr Paneri

kindly go to our youtube page to see all our video testimonials

The Sharma Ayurvedic Clinic
Dr. Ravi Paneri is an internationally well-known sixth generation Ayurveda Health Practitioner from India.
He started his apprenticeship in Ayurvedic medicines at the age of twelve.
He specializes in lifestyle workshops and retreats all around the world. He integrates the intelligence of Vedic Ancient Knowledge in forms of Ayurvedic Nutrition, Pulse Diagnosis, Lifestyle Evaluation and combines the best of Eastern and Western lifestyle thinking.
He focuses on helping people listen to the intelligence of their body and live life without limits He has studied and traveled widely around the globe gathering knowledge and for consultations. He at the very young age has traveled often to UK, Europe, North America, Middleast, Africa and Far east for consultations and travels regularly.
Some of his clients are form Indian Cinema as well as he writes in Print Media in USA regularly.



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