Hypothyrodism cure, Thyroid cure, Ayurvedic treatment for Thyroid, Control Thyroid using Ayurvedic medicines, Alternative treatment for hypothyrodism
Thyroid Ayurvedic treatment, Thyroid cure, Hypothyrodism Ayurvedic treatment, TSH control with Ayurvedic medicines, Hypothyrodism cure Ayurveda Control TSH using Ayurvedic medicine, Ayurvedic medicine to control TSH As you can see in the 2 reports below of my patient who had High TSH levels. SHe was taking eltroxin for long period of time. But at the same time she suffered many other symptoms like hairfall, migraine , weight gain , hot flushes and other symptoms. She was willing to get rid of taking eltroxin. She then turn up to me for Ayurvedic treatment for Thyroid. In just 4 months of my treatment she was able to get rid of Eltroxin and now just following my herbal treatment. Her TSH is in control and her all other issues have gone away ABOUT DR RAVI PANERI Dr. Ravi Paneri is an internationally well-known sixth generation Ayurveda Health Practitioner from India. He started his apprenticeship in Ayurvedic medicines at the age of twelve. He specializes in lifestyle...