Trigeminal Neuralgia Cure, Trigeminal Neuralgia Ayurvedic treatment, Trigeminal Neuralgia Alternative treatment, Trigeminal Neuralgia Pain relief

Trigeminal Neuralgia Cure, TN Ayurvedic treatment, TN Alternative treatment, How to reduce pain intensity in Trigeminal Neuralgia, 

Below is a link to the video testimonial of patient who got cured using our Ayurvedic  herbal medicine for Trigemeinal Neuralgia . He used to take Mezatol and his western doctor said he would need to take Mezatol till he die
He took our herbal Ayurvedic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia for  nearly 3 years and he got rid of taking mezatol and cured completely

Kindly subscribe to our youtube page   

Trigemenial Neuralgia is also known as Prospalgia or Douloureux or Suicides disease or Forthergills disease
Its a Neuropathic Disorder characterized by episodes of Intense sever Pain in the face, Originating from Trigeminal Nerve.
Its been described as the most painful condition known to human mankind
Many cases reported after 50 but now a days because of excessive stress, unhealthy lifestyle and other so called new age factors  are to be known cause of this devastating disease

Its Cranial  Nerve disorder . Tri 3 and Neuralgia as its Nerve disorder
The Nerve has 3 branches that conduct sensations from higher, middle and lower parts of face.
There are sever electric like shock and spams that goes up to eye, mandible and face

A vessel that presses against the foundation of Trigemeinal
Demyelinization of Nerve
Inflamation of Nerve
Head or Face Injury
Its more common in females and old age but many young people and males are seen getting affected with this deadly disease
Its Purely Vata disorder according to Ayurveda

Symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Sever Electric like shock feeling in face , eye, mandible region
Attacks comes frequently might go and come back
Aggravated with Cold food, Laughing, Excessive talking
Burning Pain
Sometime associated with headaches or Vertigo

Home remedies for Trigeminal Neuralgia, Ayurvedic Diet for Trigeminal Neuralgia, Ayurvedic to control the Symptoms and intensity of Trigeminal Neuralgia

A complete Vata pacifying diet and life style should be adopted
However Vata predominance along with other doshas can be involved at a time so better to check with Ayurvedic expert for that

Ayurvedic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia, Ayurvedic Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Cure, 
Ayurvedic treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia works excellently if Ayurvedic protocols are followed 100 percent
Many patient were able to get rid of Pain and disease of Trigeminal Neuralgia using Ayurvedic treatment by Dr Paneri
What we focuses to balance the imbalanced Vata which is the causative factor
Guggul medicine works best in combination with different herbs
But one should not directly buy over the counter herbs as Ayurvedic medicine for Vata disorder sometime can be prepared from Alchemy and can not be use like peanuts
Else sometime it can cause sever aggravation which might not be fatal but like
Vomitting , Stomach cramps or rashes over the body and if its not properly made then it can causes Kidney damage too

Dr Paneri treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia

We have treated many cases of Trigeminal Neuralgia with successful Ayurvedic herbal treatment. Our treatment are based on Pure Ayurvedic science and herbs are custom made processed by ourselves for Individual

Q- Can Ayurveda help me curing Trigeminal Neuralgia or TN with herbal medicine?
A- Yes Ayurveda is the oldest medical science on earth and treatment of such disease are very effective

Q-I am taking allopathic medicine can I take your herbs with my Allopathic medicine?
A - If you are taking then we ask you to continue in same manner and there wont be any contrast changes in the body. Our herbs will be acting at the root cause so gradually intake of western medicine can be reduced after getting improved using our Ayurvedic medicine for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Q- I do not stay in India. Is it possible to buy herbs online or Online consultation?
A- Certainly we are treating so many patients globally and foreign patients are mainly taking online treatment and getting better. More than 95 % foreign patients are treated  online unless either one wishes for personal consultation based on individual need

Q- Is  Ayurvedic treatment safe?
A- It is one of the most safest and does not produce any side effects- However one needs to be take them under Ayurvedic physician and follow the protocols perfectly

Q- How long the treatment lasts ?
A-Its based on the different factors

Q - Dr Paneri?
A - Dr Paneri
The Sharma Ayurvedic Clinic

The Sharma Clinic was founded 100 years back by two great Sharma brothers Shri Surajmal Sharma and Shri Khubilal Sharma born in Rajasthan
Shri Khubilalji Sharma then started his Ayurvedic clinic in Ahmedabad, Gujarat in 1916
Rajvaidya Bhawanishanker Paneri his son in law joined the clinic in 1948.
The current director of Sharma Clinic is Dr Mukesh Bhawanishanker Paneri who is an Ayurveda graduate.
Dr Mukesh Paneri has developed a unique approach in his practice embracing 5000 years old and oldest medical science on earth known as Ayurveda.
Dr Mukesh Paneri has built world wide reputation for offering exceptional expertise in field of Ayurveda. Dr Mukesh Paneri is known globally and eminent choice of many of world`s top medial professionals, artists and renown personalities.
Today Sharma Clinic has 5 generation of Ayurveda lineage and Dr Ravi Paneri son of Dr Mukesh Paneri also practicing in the same clinic.
At Sharma Clinic for well being of ones we specialise in treating wide range of illnesses.
Whatever your goal, the clinic offers everything you may need under one roof. Our aim is to help you rediscover your health by using the oldest medical science with the most modern approach.


  1. Hello Sir,

    My father is suffering from Trigiminal Neuralgia from the past 25 years and have gone thru with every possible treatment available in Allopathy like medicines, glycole injection, radio frequency rhizotomy which effect last for 3 months and failed, Now doctors are suggesting brain surgery which we are not in favor of since for it\'s being risky and complications after surgery like spine disorder, numbness, stroke risk, brain swelling and most important pain may come back after some year. This disease is known to be a suicidal disease and my father is suffering alot having current with burning sensation everytime consequence of which he is unable to drink and eat anything. There is no permanent treatment available in medical science for this mysterious disease. What happens is when a artery (superior cerebellar artery) compress Trigimial nerve it produce current, Trigeminal neuralgia is an irritation of the fifth cranial nerve causing severe pain that usually affects one side of the face, normally what surgeons do is that they place a piece of teflon on between vein and trigiminal nerve which de-compress the associated nerve which give relief in pain. But this procedure is risky and I do not want my father go under this procedure, also many doctors have advised us to not operate the brain and try if it can be controlled from the combination of Homeopathy+Allopathy and Ayurvedic medicines. Now we have been suggested to go for Ayurvedic treatment w/ Homeopathy and allopathy combination.
    It is therefore requested to please treat this mail important and suggest the best ayurvedic medicine available that can be taken in combination w/ Homopathy and allopathy. We live in Dehradun so travelling is not possible for us with father, please suggest for proper medications.
    Hope to have your comeback ASAP.

    Sincerely- Anubhav Verma
    Dehradun-248001 (Uttarakhand)

  2. I am waiting for your comments sir. please send me your reply on -


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