Bipolar Cure, Bipolar Herbal treatment, Bipolar Ayurvedic treatment, Bipolar disorder cure, Bipolar disorder Ayurvedic treatment, Ayurvedic treatment for Mania 
Link above is a video link testimony of one of my patients who have fully recovered using my bipolar medication herbal ayurvedic 
And the above 

AFP-file against the **** is deposited into your account for the second month of medicine purchase please send as soon as possible. On this matter, I would like to thank you for medicine and treatment provided last month now I can see an improvement in my digestion to recover mentally slow and steady, I could see clearly. My stomach is good and I got a job after starting your medication now as a Client Servicing and Sales Manager in MNC, through a month and I have to say that I managed to do my job because I love talking, increased confidence level I am traveling daily from 30 to 50 km bike to meet my clients, but according to your instructions I am strict food take no outside food I lose the fat slowly and gaining day of energy per day. Although sleep slowly. Please suggest if anything to follow this month. Again thank you very much. 

Waiting for your response 

What is bipolar 
A - Bipolar disorder also known as manic depression or depressive disorder Maniac 
It is a mental illness. Symptoms usually in the form of psychic episodes and last from hours to a few days 
Approximately 5 to 6 percent of patients suffering from bipolar general. 

Western medical cause-There is no specific cause, but as an undue hardship, anxiety, disorders of lifestyle is one of the common causes of psycho somatic illness 
Bipolar in Ayurveda 
Bipolar in Ayurveda is known as disease Unmada which is the general form of madness 
And is caused due to imbalance of Vata in the body. Although other Pitta and Kapha doshas as would be unbalanced but it is mainly a Vata disorder 

Sign and symptoms of bipolar disorder 
Anger, depression, mood changes, Euphoria, Hypo or Hyper sexuality, irritability, confusion, or lack of appetite too, some patients may also suffer from bloating or constipationThe Three major classifications of mental disorders 

According to Ayurveda, Vata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water) and kapha 
(water and earth) are the three main psychobiological expressions of nature 
individual and cosmic. 

Vata is light, dry, dispersion, subtle, cold, mobile, and minutes 
variable, and therefore is associated with conditions such as problems, 
anxieties, fears, phobias, fears, delusions, compulsions, talk unimportant 
monologue or dialogue with oneself, attention deficit, bipolar disorder, social anxiety 
and auditory hallucinations. Vata governs all the functions of the nervous system. 

Pitta dosha, being hot, sharp, penetrating, sharp, intense and spreading is 
responsible for comparison, control, criticism, jealousy, frustration, obsession, 
territoriality, anger, rage, violence, suicide, murder and visual hallucinations. 
Pitta is associated with digestive and hormonal functions. 

Kapha dosha is cool, slow, heavy, static, inert, smooth, rough, soft, 
immobile, and thus is associated with sadness, melancholy, 

Treatment and management of bipolar Diorder 
It is not easy to say that we can cure bipolar so easily. 
The patient should stay away from unnecessary stress, 
Have a nice and good routine that involves 
Waking up early, drink 3-4 glasses of water, never remain constipated because it created more aggravation of Vata dosha 
Go for a walk or gentle exercise, Eat breakfast good and healthy 
Lunch should be balanced Ayurveda according to your dosha and as well as dinner, but dinner should begin early and should be light 
Take laxatives herbal ayurvedic if you are constipated 

Ayurvedic medicine for bipolar 

In Ayurveda, there are a number of plants that actually helps great in the treatment of bipolar or manic depression or schizophrenia or Burn out 
Brahmi, Ashwagandha, jatamasi, Sarpgandha, Akik Pishti, Mukta Pishti etc, but do not just take herbs without knowing or seek medical 
Sometimes, the same herbs can reduce blood pressure or other serious concern 
Dr. Paneri treatment for bipolar disorder 
I have personally treated hundreds of cases where many patients felt more than 70 percent better and others are more than 90 percent 
There are also some instances where improvements are not there or very little. 
I do not claim to miracles, but can not give herbal protocol with success based on your Ayurvedic constitution to be safe and effective 

Q-I do not stay in India. Is it possible to buy herbs online or online consultation? 
Sharma Ayurvedic Clinic 

Q-Can Ayurveda help me cure bipolar or other conditions maniacs? 
A-Yes Ayurveda is the oldest medical science on earth and treatment of this disease are very effective 
QI am taking allopathic medicine can I take your herbs with my allopathic medicine? 
A - If you are taking then we ask you to continue the same way and there will be no changes in contrast in the body. Our herbs act to the root cause of gradual intake of western medicine can be reduced after improving with our Ayurvedic medicine for bipolar Burnout 
A-Sure, we treat many patients worldwide and foreign patients are mainly taking online processing and better. More than 95% of foreign patients are treated in line unless you want to give consultations to individual needs 
Q-Is Ayurvedic treatment safe? 
A-It is one of the safest and produces no side-effects, however it must be taken into Ayurvedic doctor and follow perfectly protocols 
Q-How long does the treatment take? 
A-Its based on various factors 
Q - Dr. Paneri? 
A - Dr. Paneri 
Shri Sharma Khubilalji then started his Ayurvedic clinic in Ahmedabad, Gujarat in 1916 
Rajvaidya Bhawanishanker Paneri his son joined the clinic in 1948. 
The current director of the clinic is Dr. Mukesh Sharma Bhawanishanker Paneri is a graduate Ayurveda. 
Dr Mukesh Paneri has developed a unique approach in his practice embrace medical science 5000 years old and the oldest on earth called Ayurveda. 
Dr Mukesh Paneri has built global reputation for offering exceptional expertise in the field of Ayurveda. Dr Mukesh Paneri is known world wide and prominent choice for many world `s best medial professionals, artists and renowned personalities. 
Today Sharma Clinic 5 generation line of Ayurveda and Dr. Ravi Paneri son of Dr. Mukesh Paneri also practice in the same clinic. 
A Sharma clinic for the welfare of those we specialize in treating all kinds of diseases. 
Whatever your goal, the clinic offers everything you could need under one roof. Our goal is to help you rediscover your health using the most ancient medical science with the more modern approach. 


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